Thursday, March 18, 2010

Equation of Drake

Hello! Me lack? already that I do not write for a long time but yesterday a quite curious document I go over to the mail.
It is the application of the equation of Drake applied to the everyday life, and more specifically to the possibility of finding couple. The work belongs to Peter Backus, economist, and ride for title: Why I do not have to girlfriend: An application of the Drake Equation to love in the UK. (Why do not I have a fiancée: Application of the equation of drake in the love in U.K).
Not if the whole world will know this equation, that of Drake, so the best thing will be to tell who Drake is and that it is his equation.
Frank Drake born in Chicago on May 28, 1930, is an astronomer and American astrophysicist. At present he is the director of the Center Carl Sagan, inside the Ins tituto SETI, of which he is an emeritus president. I postulate in 1961 an equation that allows the statistical calculation of the number of civilizations with the aptitude to the called Equation of Drake communicate by signs of radio in our galaxy.
The Drake equation is the following one:
N = R* x fp x ne x fl x fi x fc x L
N: Civilizations with aptitude to communicate in our galaxy.
R*: Annual rhythm of formation of stars "adapted" in our galaxy.
fp: Stars fraction with planets.
faith: Planets orbiting inside the habitable stripe of the star.
fl: Planets inside the habitable stripe in which the life has developed.
fi: Fraction of these planets in which intelligent life has developed.
fc: Fraction of these planets where the necessary technology has been reached and they try to communicate.
L: Time space in that an intelligent and communicative civilization can exist, in years.
So that then they say that the spatial investigation does not serve as anything. Although as a wise person said: "If we want better frying pans with teflon, let's investigate the teflon, let's not shield in it to justify the spatial investigation"

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